31.   Because the coup was violent, Burns said U.S. law requires that the government now suspend aid to Niger.

32.   Because the coup was violent, U.S. law requires that the government now suspend aid to Niger, Burns said.

33.   Belgium and the Netherlands have announced they have suspended aid to the Rwandan government.

34.   Because the coup was violent, Burns said, U.S. law requires that the government now suspend aid to Niger.

35.   Both domestic critics and foreign governments frequently complained of corruption during the Aleman administration, and some foreign donor governments suspended aid for a time in protest.

36.   Britain, the European Union and the United States have suspended development aid to Malawi because of widespread corruption and economic mismanagement.

37.   But Kalam said he was unfazed by the economic sanctions and the decision by several nations to suspend economic aid to New Delhi.

38.   Donor nations and agencies have suspended aid or said they would review their programs, and the United Nations was expected to impose some form of arms embargo.

39.   Donors had then suspended aid to Kenya to force President Daniel arap Moi to lift the ban on political parties and call multiparty elections a year later.

40.   EU officials said aid was suspended because of the current political crisis and the continued freedom of Bosnian Serb war criminals.

v. + aid >>共 524
provide 8.92%
receive 6.01%
send 3.74%
distribute 3.51%
deliver 3.45%
give 3.40%
offer 2.79%
seek 2.73%
get 2.61%
suspend 2.45%
suspend + n. >>共 997
talk 6.61%
operation 4.93%
flight 3.56%
service 2.15%
player 2.14%
sanction 2.11%
negotiation 1.91%
aid 1.89%
sentence 1.77%
share 1.65%
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