31.   His orthopedic surgeon was Dr. Hackie Reitman, a part-time boxer from Fort Lauderdale.

32.   If a new nose or chin would help them land a job or a husband, the cosmetic surgeon was ready to help.

33.   If this opthamological surgeon is so hesitant to provide poison, why not apply to her physician husband?

34.   If spinal surgeons were part of the trauma teams, surgery to relieve pressure could be performed immediately instead of hours or days later, he said.

35.   In between were surgeons general who did not make a public assault on tobacco their cause, he said.

36.   In a Colorado study, patients informed of the benefits and risks were less keen on surgery to eliminate mildly uncomfortable prostate symptoms than were surgeons.

37.   In Freetown, the capital of Sierra Leone, the surgeons were frantic.

38.   In initial clinical trials, surgeons were able to shape the artificial bone to tailor it to the needs of individual patients, he said.

39.   In the past, he said, surgeons were willing to take more chances, but now they cannot afford to do so.

40.   Inmates are injected with an anticoagulant before execution, and surgeons are in place to extract the organs quickly, often at the execution ground.

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