31.   Within the Bush administration, Federalist Society supporters include Attorney General John Ashcroft, Interior Secretary Gale Norton and Energy Secretary Spencer Abraham.

32.   Party program does not oppose secularism outright, but supporters include radical Islamic factions.

33.   Big-name supporters include former presidential candidate Jesse Jackson and renowned poet Maya Angelou, who is writing a poem for the event.

34.   Coalition supporters included state Sen. Tom Hayden, D-Los Angeles, and representatives of Amnesty International and the American Civil Liberties Union.

35.   Harris supporters include Miles King, a real estate developer, who said he would have liked to see the land acquired differently.

36.   His supporters include President Fernando Henrique Cardoso, as well as former critics such as Pele and coach Mario Zagallo.

37.   House supporters include Ganske and Rep. John Dingell, D-Mich.

38.   Her supporters included boyfriend Lleyton Hewitt, a top player himself, and Crown Prince Philippe and Princess Mathilde of Belgium.

39.   Her supporters now include dissidents from disparate camps.

40.   His supporters include African countries, the Arab League, France, Russia and China.

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