31.   When my feet were strangely numb, like that brief sensation after stubbing a toe and waiting for the pain neurons to travel up the spine.

32.   You walk toward the front door, and you stub your toe and open the door.

33.   But as she went to change direction at the net, she appeared to stub her toe.

34.   Smith stubbed his toe when he was walking out of a building on Tuesday night, Campo said.

35.   Stub your toe?

36.   Stubbing their toe would be easy enough against the high-powered Vikings, who looked very strong in beating New Orleans last weekend.

37.   To get walking and grow you first have to stub your toes.

v. + toe >>共 145
dip 9.32%
stub 7.03%
break 6.84%
wiggle 5.13%
have 3.80%
touch 3.80%
lose 3.42%
tap 2.85%
injure 2.85%
stick 2.66%
stub + n. >>共 6
toe 82.22%
chip 8.89%
admission 2.22%
cigarette 2.22%
kick 2.22%
mind 2.22%
每页显示:    共 37