31.   Unless international funding increases, the next billion people may be consigned to lives of privation in countries where resources are already stretched to the limit.

32.   He said fire protection resources are stretched thin as more man-made forests are developed and more people find work in forested areas, the report said.

33.   Military officials, whose resources have been stretched by riots and protests, predicted that clashes between rival political groups will escalate ahead of parliamentary elections scheduled for June.

34.   Resources were stretched to the limits.

35.   Resources are being stretched to the limit.

36.   Some countries have said their aid resources are stretched thin and they would have to decrease their allowance for Cambodia, he said.

37.   That can stretch resources thin.

38.   The fires have stretched resources so thin that federal officials are considering bringing in crews from Mexico and technical experts from Australia.

39.   The offensive clearly is wearing on Russian forces and stretching their resources.

40.   The policy has resulted in a bloated inefficient public sector, and an increasing demand for these jobs is stretching government resources.

v. + resource >>共 419
have 14.23%
use 6.24%
lack 4.92%
devote 4.17%
pool 4.11%
allocate 2.72%
provide 2.56%
share 1.62%
divert 1.62%
put 1.59%
stretch 1.52%
stretch + n. >>共 496
leg 5.70%
lead 4.26%
arm 4.20%
resource 2.94%
truth 2.88%
exercise 2.19%
defense 1.75%
limit 1.63%
single 1.57%
hit 1.57%
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