31.   We each strained to hear the sounds coming up to us from the crowded magnificent two-story lobby below.

32.   Wednesday, though, with the Los Angeles news media straining to hear his soft-spoken words, Gretzky was diplomatic.

33.   Which is why barely anyone was speaking, unless you strained to hear the quiet words of Nixon.

34.   You strain to hear.

35.   A shout rose from the dance floor during the last reunion show, and vocalist Truitt Cunningham strained to hear from the stage.

36.   Even the judges on the bench had to strain to hear what he was saying.

37.   Many bowed their heads, clasping rosary beads and mouthing prayers and hymns as the service was broadcast on loudspeakers, straining to hear over the hum of traffic.

38.   Silence fell as people huddled around radios and cameramen wearing earphones, straining to hear above the thunder of circling news helicopters.

39.   She asked Sabaya to repeat his words, straining to hear as he spoke over a crackling satellite phone from a jungle hide-out.

40.   The incident was so increduluous, most watching the fight on TV had to strain to hear referee Mills Lane explanation to ringside officials to determine what had happened.

v. + hear >>共 148
strain 11.08%
grow_up 9.46%
gather 8.65%
be 3.24%
flock 3.24%
say 2.70%
surprise 1.89%
stay 1.62%
tell 1.62%
do 1.35%
strain + v. >>共 142
hear 11.92%
see 8.14%
keep 4.65%
get 3.78%
find 2.91%
catch 2.91%
be 2.62%
make 2.33%
keep_up 2.33%
remove 2.03%
每页显示:    共 41