31.   In contrast to the scene a few months ago, when protesters stopped traffic on Broadway, traffic halted only to let streams of graduates pass.

32.   In Westchester County, Matthew Hanley, a Bedford police officer, had his hand up trying to stop traffic after an accident.

33.   It stopped traffic in some spots and left many potential riders unable to hail a cab, but it did not appear to create major disruptions.

34.   It stops traffic, attracts truckloads of visitors from far and wide and fills the streets with playful energy.

35.   Just another baffling construction project stopping traffic.

36.   Johnson is a sculptor who creates realistic statues of people doing the most ordinary things, and they are so convincingly alive they can stop traffic.

37.   Later that afternoon, the demonstrators spilled into the streets and stopped traffic for about half an hour.

38.   Maud Pratt, who lives in a Philadelphia suburb, is stopping traffic with her latest yard purchase.

39.   No one stopped traffic when the match Wednesday ended in defeat, but many fans still marched out of Scorpio to wave the Croatian flag on Broadway.

40.   On a busy intersection in this hurried capital of impatient, fast drivers, women are stopping traffic.

v. + traffic >>共 443
block 11.44%
disrupt 6.13%
stop 4.84%
snarl 4.50%
direct 4.30%
halt 4.20%
divert 2.74%
reduce 1.88%
slow 1.78%
bring 1.78%
stop + n. >>共 1227
car 3.21%
attack 3.20%
violence 2.50%
fight 1.86%
work 1.65%
people 1.50%
traffic 1.18%
flow 1.15%
run 1.13%
vehicle 1.12%
每页显示:    共 195