31.   No statistical evidence is offered that community policing works, or has any impact at all.

32.   Now, according to William D. Nordhaus of Yale, there is statistical evidence to buttress the anecdotes.

33.   On the other hand, many scientists spend their days staring at computer screens, analyzing mounds of statistical evidence and simulations.

34.   On one side are epidemiologists and biologists who say that laboratory and statistical evidence indicates that weak EMFs cause changes in cells that may lead to cancer.

35.   Pollard said there is no statistical evidence that viatical settlements have resulted in less profits for insurers because of lapsed policies.

36.   Roach and other economists say the lack of statistical evidence does not much matter.

37.   So far, there is no statistical evidence that veterans of the gulf conflict are sicker than any others.

38.   Statistical evidence suggests that Americans increasingly regard travel and tourism as an important part of their life style.

39.   The Clinton administration today proposed changes in government contracting programs that would base affirmative action on statistical evidence of discrimination against minority owned businesses.

40.   The law also eliminated the defense of comparative negligence and allowed the state to use statistical evidence in making its case for repayment of the Medicaid expenses.

a. + evidence >>共 460
new 8.46%
scientific 3.64%
further 3.57%
insufficient 3.55%
physical 3.36%
anecdotal 2.91%
sufficient 2.71%
hard 2.41%
clear 1.95%
strong 1.82%
statistical 0.50%
statistical + n. >>共 425
analysis 7.27%
heat 5.31%
sampling 3.63%
method 3.58%
evidence 3.41%
category 2.57%
datum 2.57%
significance 2.46%
office 2.35%
technique 2.18%
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