31.   Two days before the shooting, Whitehouse voiced his opposition to a proposed bill that would gather statistical data to determine whether state troopers are unfairly targeting minorities.

32.   Traders who use statistical data for trading said crude oil could be poised to go higher based on that close, Samuels said.

33.   Traders who use statistical data for trading say crude oil could be poised to go higher based on that close, Samuels said.

34.   But the suits say statistical data shows blacks were more than twice as likely than whites to have their interest rates on car loans increased.

35.   Defense attorneys suspect the records released will mostly feature statistical data related to motor vehicle stops.

36.   It cited a lack of equipment, poor training, a shortage of transportation and unreliable statistical data bases as the principal problems hindering local authorities.

37.   NOMIS consolidates information from Regional Data Offices for collecting statistical data.

38.   These units can be focal points for, among other things, research and generation of statistical data for industry, advocacy and policy formulation.

39.   Blue chip share prices on Wall Street opened virtually unchanged Friday, with trading slowed by the absense of statistical data and the approaching weekend.

40.   But WTO economists say that because of the absence of adequate statistical data, it is hard to produce any credible estimate.

a. + datum >>共 1190
economic 12.11%
new 4.59%
financial 2.65%
personal 2.48%
recent 2.15%
high-speed 1.59%
sales 1.36%
raw 1.19%
scientific 1.16%
available 1.14%
statistical 0.55%
statistical + n. >>共 425
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sampling 3.63%
method 3.58%
evidence 3.41%
category 2.57%
datum 2.57%
significance 2.46%
office 2.35%
technique 2.18%
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