31.   All the shuttle astronauts jammed into an outer space station compartment to peek inside the orbiting complex and leave behind items for later pickup by the station crew.

32.   Controllers relied on Endeavour to talk to the station crew of Russian cosmonaut and commander Yuri Usachev and U.S. astronauts Susan Helms and Jim Voss.

33.   Discovery is the ride back for the old station crew of ex-commander and cosmonaut Yuri Usachev and U.S. astronauts Jim Voss and Susan Helms.

34.   However, Voss hoped Leonardo might stay with the new station crew.

35.   In the middle were the four shuttle astronauts who ferried the new station crew to orbit and were taking the first crew back.

36.   In the middle were the four shuttle astronauts who ferried the new station crew to orbit and were taking the first crew back to Earth.

37.   It was the first Progress docking for the three-man station crew, on board for just two weeks.

38.   Left behind was the new station crew of Culbertson and Russian cosmonauts Vladimir Dezhurov and Mikhail Tyurin.

39.   Left behind will be the new station crew of Culbertson and Russian cosmonauts Vladimir Dezhurov and Mikhail Tyurin.

40.   NASA had planned to add a habitation module to increase station crews from three to seven.

n. + crew >>共 457
television 11.89%
camera 7.86%
flight 6.52%
rescue 5.04%
construction 3.88%
fire 3.80%
film 3.78%
shuttle 3.51%
work 2.81%
news 2.69%
station 0.96%
station + n. >>共 424
manager 7.42%
owner 5.77%
chief 4.60%
official 3.80%
crew 3.19%
platform 3.19%
commander 2.94%
ownership 1.96%
group 1.84%
employee 1.84%
每页显示:    共 52