31.   Washington recently appeared to relax its stance towards Cuba, announcing measures including authorisation for US press groups to open branches in Havana.

32.   Many Basque parties have criticised the PNV for its ambiguous stance towards ETA after it recently suggested immediate talks with the separatists and Ajuria Enea membership for Herri Batasuna.

33.   Like the Palestinians, who make up almost half of the Jordanian population, political parties here have shifted their stance towards Iraq.

34.   On assuming office Friday Blair faced immediate pressure from his European counterparts to take a more accomodating stance towards European integration Major.

35.   Patten, in a newspaper interview, denied that the Hong Kong government was softening its stance towards the Provisional Legislature.

36.   Patten denied that the Hong Kong Government was softening its stance towards the Provisional Legislature.

37.   Prime Minister Ryutaro Hashimoto reportedly hinted Wednesday that Japan might revise its easy stance towards monetary policy depending on the course of interest rates in the United States.

38.   Prime Minister Tomiichi Murayama adopted a cautious stance towards the proposed EAEC during talks Tuesday in Tokyo with visiting Malaysian International Trade and Industry Minister Rafidah Aziz.

39.   Ramos has been trying to take a reconciliatory stance towards the church in the face of continued attacks from Sin and other church leaders.

40.   Speaking after a regular cabinet meeting, Mitsuzuka said Japan continued to maintain this stance towards foreign exchange markets.

n. + towards >>共 989
step 14.01%
attitude 5.89%
move 5.78%
progress 4.32%
policy 4.16%
trend 2.43%
way 2.29%
movement 1.33%
sentiment 1.30%
effort 1.21%
stance 0.99%
stance + p. >>共 55
on 32.06%
against 15.19%
of 11.06%
toward 10.25%
in 7.47%
towards 2.72%
by 2.59%
as 2.04%
with 1.79%
to 1.54%
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