31.   It also sets sectoral spending reduction targets.

32.   Italy and Spain managed to reduce their deficits mostly through spending reductions.

33.   Just where they would make their crucial spending reductions remains a big question.

34.   Like Pataki, the Senate Republicans wanted to retain old spending reductions in Medicaid, the health care program for the poor.

35.   Most of them would have reduced the scope of spending reductions affecting the elderly, the poor and other longtime Democratic constituencies.

36.   Other spending reductions will affect children more directly.

37.   Party leaders had to concede that they were hard-pressed to win support for even a first modest round of spending reductions.

38.   Pataki has put a multi-year tax cut into effect, but he is having much less success in getting spending reductions to match the falling revenue.

39.   Relations began to warm between the two men late last year when the Republican-led Congress called for tax cuts, government spending reductions and a balanced budget.

40.   Republicans counter that their promises of tax breaks would be paid for by specific, itemized, relatively painless spending reductions.

a. + reduction >>共 406
further 10.17%
significant 5.63%
sharp 4.64%
spending 3.38%
substantial 2.72%
drastic 2.58%
proposed 1.97%
major 1.97%
dramatic 1.83%
possible 1.41%
spending + n. >>共 412
bill 20.19%
cut 13.95%
limit 6.31%
plan 5.37%
measure 3.25%
time 2.86%
spree 2.86%
program 2.65%
increase 2.65%
level 1.87%
reduction 1.22%
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