31.   Russian soldiers drove the trucks but it was not clear whether all the refugees were ethnic Russians or Chechens, Redmond said.

32.   Sharif said the soldiers were driving the ambulances around the streets of Ramallah.

33.   Soldiers drove the crowds away several times with tear gas, occasionally firing in the air.

34.   Soldiers drove the rebels into the forest after the attack Tuesday, military officials said.

35.   The soldier was driving a civilian vehicle, suggesting he was off-duty, radio reports said.

36.   The soldiers drove down a treacherous mountain road in white U.N. armored vehicles camouflaged with mud, the headlights turned off and the driver wearing night-vision goggles.

37.   The two soldiers accidentally drove into the Palestinian town of Ramallah after taking a wrong turn on their way to an army base.

38.   Up the road at a U.N. observation post manned by a Ukrainian battalion, other Croat soldiers drove up to the main gate to search the facility for Serbs.

39.   Four relief vehicles were seen being driven by soldiers Tuesday.

40.   An AFP correspondent here saw four relief vehicles being driven by soldiers Tuesday.

n. + drive >>共 1656
car 3.41%
man 2.60%
people 2.14%
force 1.80%
troop 1.15%
police 1.13%
woman 1.06%
truck 0.89%
vehicle 0.84%
motorist 0.84%
soldier 0.82%
soldier + v. >>共 818
be 10.12%
fire 4.07%
die 2.97%
shoot 2.77%
say 2.50%
kill 2.43%
open 2.14%
take 2.09%
return 1.40%
have 1.32%
drive 0.28%
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