31.   Massood said his soldiers have captured several Pakistani prisoners and were holding them in the mountains of the Hindu Kush range.

32.   Moscow denies arming the rebels, but Russian soldiers captured fighting in Chechnya and Russian lawmakers negotiating their release say Russia is waging a covert war.

33.   On Wednesday, soldiers captured the main road leading to Jaffna city, and reached the coastal village of Columbuthurai by afternoon, military officials said.

34.   On Monday, soldiers captured two guerrilla divers at a beach near Kankesanthurai harbor in Jaffna Peninsula, the official said.

35.   On Sunday, their soldiers captured Golo Brdo, a hill which overlooks the Sarajevo from the west, said U.N. spokesman Lt. Col. Gerard Dubois.

36.   Russia is demanding that the Chechens lay down their arms and return Russian soldiers captured during the fighting.

37.   Sama said anti-Guei soldiers had captured the television and radio stations, although this could not be independently confirmed.

38.   Serb shelling and sniper fire kill nine people in Sarajevo as Bosnian government soldiers reportedly captured a key hill in a major offensive.

39.   Serbs shelled civilians in a town in northeastern Bosnia on Tuesday, while Muslim-led government soldiers apparently captured land on a strategic peak nearby.

40.   Serbs shelled civilians in northeastern Bosnia while Muslim-led government soldiers apparently captured land on a strategic peak nearby.

n. + capture >>共 634
force 11.25%
troop 8.40%
rebel 6.12%
police 5.96%
camera 3.43%
soldier 2.94%
military 2.36%
army 2.27%
film 1.41%
militia 1.32%
soldier + v. >>共 818
be 10.12%
fire 4.07%
die 2.97%
shoot 2.77%
say 2.50%
kill 2.43%
open 2.14%
take 2.09%
return 1.40%
have 1.32%
capture 0.42%
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