31.   Slide rules are not used for addition.

32.   Stevens was an engineering school, however, and Reeves was more interested in the drama club and student newspaper than his slide rule.

33.   Thanks to the advent of the calculator, slide rules have lately disappeared from university bookstores.

34.   The College Board has sent around a conversion slide rule, a sort of decoder ring that equates the new scores to the old.

35.   The felt pen went the way of the slide rule, supplanted by a wand that conjured videos of the Earth from space and Doppler radar on the ground.

36.   The judges calculated with slide rules for two hours before determining that the complicated scoring had given Hayes Alan Jenkins seven-tenths of a point more than Robertson.

37.   The observers timed the intervals between the clicks with a stopwatch and were able to calculate the speed of the gusts using a slide rule.

38.   The slide rule.

39.   The site, which features thousands of slide rules for sale, is no Amazon.com.

40.   The rules of arithmetic are the same, whether you use a slide rule or a supercomputer.

n. + rule >>共 1461
ground 4.72%
trade 3.77%
safety 3.39%
work 3.11%
government 2.31%
election 2.15%
court 2.13%
league 1.82%
ethic 1.77%
team 1.68%
slide 0.69%
slide + n. >>共 77
rule 22.82%
presentation 9.96%
guitar 6.22%
projector 5.81%
step 5.39%
projection 4.15%
area 2.07%
sample 2.07%
film 1.66%
lecture 1.66%
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