31.   But now that UNITA and Luanda have just signed a ceasefire and UNITA no longer has a significant presence on DRC soil, that justification is gone.

32.   But Murad said the MILF rejected this, adding that negotiations would have to take place first before a ceasefire could be signed.

33.   But the group, which signed a ceasefire last year and is holding peace talks with Manila, denied any involvement.

34.   Earlier blasts were blamed by SLORC on the KNU, the only major ethnic insurgency yet to sign a ceasefire with the SLORC.

35.   Diplomats and analysts here blame a lack of political progress in the four months since the ceasefire was signed for its failure to hold on the ground.

36.   Despite the shelling, talks were being held Wednesday with the Bosnian Serbs on the possiblity of signing a ceasefire around Sarajevo, officials said.

37.   The MILF has signed a ceasefire with Manila, but the Philippines military said it would take action against the group if it attacked US troops.

38.   The MILF has signed a ceasefire with the government, but the military has accused the group of violating the truce and of sheltering kidnapping gangs.

39.   The MILF signed a ceasefire last year and is pursuing peace negotiations with the government but sporadic clashes with the military still occur.

40.   The Philippine government has signed a ceasefire with the MILF and is holding formal peace negotiations with the group.

v. + ceasefire >>共 161
monitor 6.98%
sign 6.11%
declare 5.93%
broker 5.50%
observe 4.28%
announce 3.84%
violate 3.14%
call 2.88%
break 2.71%
agree 2.53%
sign + n. >>共 387
agreement 23.07%
contract 9.29%
treaty 5.66%
accord 5.10%
bill 4.70%
deal 3.39%
autograph 3.28%
document 2.68%
letter 1.99%
memorandum 1.70%
ceasefire 0.36%
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