31.   Starting from this fantastic premise, the show includes all the elements that make young viewers feel at home.

32.   That show included his wall works, discarded bits of mundane plastic objects arranged, in this case, to form a crescent moon.

33.   The art show will also include works with a critical vision of Guevara as well as Che ashtrays and a curtain strung with colored beads that form his face.

34.   The evening show includes mock gambling games.

35.   The first show includes an ethereal song by a Scandinavian vocalist and a lush orchestral version of a Paul McCartney tune.

36.   The Danish Design Center show includes several Jacobsen watercolors, including those done as patterns for textiles.

37.   The Drawing Center show includes works borrowed from private collections and museums.

38.   The Emmerich show includes several of these, and they have lost none of their power to disconcert.

39.   The horse was worshiped in Thrace, and the Fort Worth show includes a magnificent fragment of a gold Pegasus from the fourth century B.C.

40.   The invitation-only show includes originals and reproductions of spectacular handmade clothing worn by Chinese peasants and those who ruled them.

n. + include >>共 1161
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list 1.51%
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measure 1.18%
figure 1.13%
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show 0.31%
show + v. >>共 932
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