31.   Later, Uria said he would try again to capture Kunduz with as little shooting as possible.

32.   Most people list his outside shooting as his downside.

33.   North Americans play in smaller rinks, like to use force along the boards, and think to shoot as their first, second, and third options.

34.   Nor should Maradona be crucified for drug use or Zeman shot as the messenger of bad news.

35.   Of course, the pilot was shot as a movie, which can be misleading.

36.   Now, Beck confronted Rubelmann and shot him as the executive directed employees outside.

37.   One company wanted to shoot it as a low-budget drive-in movie with actors wearing rubber masks, but producer Arthur P. Jacobs had other ideas.

38.   One senator suggested the government buy stock in private companies, but the idea was quickly shot down as akin to socialism.

39.   On their home continent, the dogs have lost staggering amounts of habitat and often have been shot as vermin.

40.   She has always been comfortable being herself, according to the photographer Francesco Scavullo, who first shot her as a teen-ager for Seventeen magazine.

v. + as >>共 749
know 10.51%
see 9.14%
come 4.10%
work 4.03%
use 3.96%
identify 3.04%
emerge 1.74%
describe 1.40%
take 1.39%
quote 1.35%
shoot 0.06%
shoot + p. >>共 59
with 20.12%
in 14.85%
of 13.55%
during 10.10%
after 8.49%
by 5.14%
from 4.88%
as 4.40%
on 3.79%
before 2.35%
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