31.   A victory could have temporarily shifted the focus off Coach Brian Mahoney, given the Red Storm some needed confidence and dispatched a message to the Big East.

32.   A victory could have temporarily shifted the focus off Brian Mahoney, given the Red Storm some needed confidence and dispatched a message to the Big East.

33.   According to this theory of shifting focus, the nexis of New York theater has shifted permanently.

34.   After spending nearly two decades working to improve psychiatric care in the United States, Visotsky shifted his focus to reports of psychiatric abuse abroad.

35.   Agents have already shifted their focus toward battling terrorism and away from traditional crime-busting duties.

36.   After years of field work in Tanzania, Klemens decided several years ago to shift his focus to the endangered ecosystems close to his Westchester home.

37.   Aid workers in Mashad have shifted their focus and have intensified efforts to send aid into Afghanistan.

38.   All of that would complicate the use of U.S. special forces, as American military planners shift their focus from air power to ground missions, Arkin said.

39.   All the companies that previously relied on mainframes for profits have had to shift their focus to offer services, consulting, support and a wider variety of products.

40.   Buchanan, who has all but conceded that Dole will win the GOP nomination, shifted his focus to his role at the Republican convention.

v. + focus >>共 237
shift 20.81%
lose 10.27%
keep 8.69%
change 4.57%
turn 4.46%
put 3.38%
narrow 3.05%
maintain 2.65%
sharpen 2.54%
switch 2.14%
shift + n. >>共 733
focus 9.46%
money 5.10%
production 4.36%
gear 3.97%
attention 3.15%
fund 2.85%
responsibility 2.08%
blame 2.05%
emphasis 1.95%
position 1.79%
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