31.   Calcavecchia draws a sharp distinction between a tour pro playing in non-metal spikes and a country club making them mandatory.

32.   Chaplin insisted on a sharp distinction between the screen Charlie and the off-screen Chaplin.

33.   Cline and Vandifort drew a sharp distinction between restoration and rebuilding.

34.   He gave his fellow Republicans a strategy memorandum warning that they could endanger their majority status unless they started drawing sharp distinctions between themselves and the Democrats.

35.   He is seeking to deny a sitting president a second term, which requires the challenger to draw sharp distinctions between himself and the incumbent.

36.   Lantos drew a sharp distinction between the conflict in Kosovo and World War II, where the United States sought the unconditional surrender of Germany and Japan.

37.   Pollsters who can see past the Planet Hollywoods punctuating more and more cities notice that sharp distinctions between those cities persist.

38.   The unanimous ruling by the high court drew a sharp distinction between allowing patients to refuse treatment to hasten their death and permitting doctors to kill their patients.

39.   They draw a sharp distinction between their work and that of Zavos, who plans to create and bring to term a cloned human baby.

40.   We have created sharp distinctions between religion and science, partly motivated by fundamentalist groups that believe them to be antithetical.

a. + distinction >>共 331
important 7.21%
clear 6.94%
dubious 6.85%
fine 4.32%
sharp 4.14%
such 2.43%
real 2.07%
crucial 1.80%
legal 1.53%
subtle 1.44%
sharp + n. >>共 1041
decline 5.97%
drop 5.95%
increase 5.60%
rise 5.26%
criticism 4.16%
contrast 3.88%
fall 3.64%
knife 2.85%
gain 2.67%
turn 1.62%
distinction 0.48%
每页显示:    共 46