31.   The groups could have continued the federal suit, but decided the settlement offer was the best solution, Glitzenstein said.

32.   The industry, however, did not threaten to withdraw from the settlement offer.

33.   The lien was placed by her previous lawyers, with whom she parted after rejecting a settlement offer they had negotiated with Bennett.

34.   The person would be liable only for an amount equal to his own legal costs, and only for those costs incurred since the last settlement offer.

35.   The settlement offer is still being reviewed by the water board.

36.   The Sweeneys rejected settlement offers that would have left them in a better financial situation than they were in before they took out the loan.

37.   Their attorney from the Southern Poverty Law Center in Montgomery on Tuesday sent an out-of-court settlement offer to Cooley.

38.   Those who are not satisfied with the settlement offer can opt out of the case and pursue their own remedies.

39.   Vickie Hurewitz said she has rebuffed a settlement offer from Mt. Sinai.

40.   Westinghouse has made unsuccessful settlement offers in the past that were based largely on discounts for equipment.

n. + offer >>共 588
job 13.73%
contract 7.28%
scholarship 3.21%
government 3.18%
buyout 2.53%
settlement 2.39%
cash 1.78%
share 1.74%
peace 1.64%
cease-fire 1.47%
settlement + n. >>共 296
talk 10.81%
construction 7.86%
expansion 5.49%
agreement 5.29%
activity 5.11%
building 3.44%
negotiation 3.16%
plan 2.89%
money 2.78%
proposal 2.75%
offer 2.43%
每页显示:    共 70