31.   He said that rioting had also broken out on neighboring Seram island just north of Ambon and that two churches had been set alight.

32.   In a familiar tactic, the troops apparently opened fire on the villages Tuesday morning, sending streams of frightened families fleeing before setting homes alight.

33.   On Tuesday, Northern Alliance soldiers reported that they had poured oil into the underground warren and set it alight.

34.   On the last night the rest, in a spectacular midnight ceremony, are set alight and fireworks embedded in each erupt and explode.

35.   The garage was set alight, and everyone who tried to escape the flames was hacked to death.

36.   The gaping holes in the buildings and charred walls showed that the compound had been shelled with artillery and set alight.

37.   The nationalism that sowed the savage wars in Croatia and Bosnia and has set Kosovo alight is spilling with alarming speed into the civil life of this sleepy backwater.

38.   They turned back two firetrucks sent to put out a blaze at a theater set alight by the rioters.

39.   Protesters smashed shop windows and at least two cars were set alight in a parking garage under the government offices.

40.   A bank was set alight and store windows smashed.

set + a. >>共 154
free 34.96%
afire 13.91%
alight 10.43%
straight 5.00%
high 3.97%
ablaze 3.78%
loose 3.23%
right 3.05%
low 1.95%
aflame 1.65%
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