31.   When one sensed danger, the other caught on right away.

32.   Alternatively, residents beat telephone poles or iron fences whenever they sensed danger.

33.   Brazil sensed the danger and began attacking in the final ten minutes of the half, with Romario wasting the best chance for them.

34.   He soon discovers he can leap great bounds, cling to walls, spew heavy strands of web from his wrists and sense approaching danger.

35.   He said he had talked to the prisoners a few hours after they announced the hostage-taking and sensed no danger from them at the time.

36.   In the second half, both teams began playing flowing soccer as the Qataris sensed the danger and began launching their own attacks.

37.   Sensing the danger, the North Koreans agreed to suspend their program and to return to the negotiating table, Perry said.

38.   Sensing danger, the hapless animal started fleeing.

39.   Sensing no danger from us, it turned around and vented its rage by tearing down a couple of trees before leading the herd to another spot.

40.   The FBI, sensing danger, decided to withdraw its investigators even though Yemeni officials were closing in almost simultaneously on a number of terrorists, Armitage said.

v. + danger >>共 308
pose 17.66%
face 5.96%
see 4.09%
increase 2.55%
reduce 2.47%
present 2.34%
avoid 2.26%
know 2.17%
highlight 2.13%
recognize 1.91%
sense 1.87%
sense + n. >>共 533
opportunity 5.87%
change 3.77%
danger 3.69%
presence 2.60%
trouble 2.18%
need 1.93%
tension 1.84%
shift 1.42%
pattern 1.26%
weakness 1.26%
每页显示:    共 44