31.   President Boris Yeltsin sent tens of thousands of troops into Chechnya in December in a bid to snuff out its three years of self-declared independence.

32.   Saudi authorities sent home tens of thousands of Jordanian workers.

33.   Shelling and gunfire raged in the capital Monday, destroying the international airport and sending tens of thousands of people fleeing to the U.S. Embassy, witnesses said.

34.   The announcement came as NATO prepares to send tens of thousands of troops to Bosnia-Herzegovina if the waring parties agree to a U.S.-brokered peace agreement.

35.   The clashes in Guinea have subsided, but a recent upsurge of fighting in Liberia has sent tens of thousands of civilians fleeing again.

36.   The Croatian offensive sent tens of thousands of Serbs into exile.

37.   The factional warfare sent tens of thousands of civilians fleeing their homes, leaving them to gunmen who looted their valuables and carted them away in stolen vehicles.

38.   The fighting devastated parts of Freetown and sent tens of thousands of people fleeing to safety.

39.   The fighting allegedly killed hundreds of Serbs and sent tens of thousands fleeing.

40.   The fighting has sent tens of thousands fleeing.

v. + ten >>共 416
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