31.   Multinationals and local companies could invest in this facility to train their employees locally instead of sending them overseas on expensive training courses.

32.   Royal Mail picks up the mailings in the United States, sorts them and sends them overseas on commercial airlines for distribution.

33.   The Coast Guard is recalling port security forces sent overseas to protect U.S. naval units after the bombing of the USS Cole.

34.   The military is also more selective about who it sends overseas.

35.   The recorders will be sent overseas for analysis, Chen said.

36.   They may have been holding Form Five or HSC qualifications, but we send them overseas for study and training and they now become my managers.

37.   Distribution of encrpytion materials within the United States is legal, but sending them overseas for foreign use illegal.

38.   The pacifist constitution, promulgated after World War II, prohibits Japan from sending troops overseas to settle international disputes.

39.   The administration has vehemently defended its prerogative to send troops overseas, saying the responsibility rests solely with the executive under the rules of the constitution.

40.   The Philippines is also considering phasing out or reducing the number of maids it sends overseas.

v. + overseas >>共 19
send 28.78%
make 26.62%
cut 18.71%
find 5.76%
buy 2.88%
hold 2.88%
call 2.16%
drive 2.16%
get 1.44%
have 1.44%
send + a. >>共 217
lower 11.84%
soaring 9.36%
packing 9.36%
sprawling 5.64%
higher 5.30%
overseas 4.51%
scurrying 2.25%
straight 2.25%
plummeting 2.03%
plunging 1.80%
每页显示:    共 40