31.   France on Tuesday canceled debts owed by Nicaragua and Honduras, while dozens of other countries have sent help.

32.   He also stressed the need to send more help to refugees fleeing Afghanistan.

33.   Help has been sent by the government and local authorities to the area.

34.   In neighboring Bosnia, Bosnian Serb leader Radovan Karadzic threatened to send help to Serbs in Croatia, a move that could merge two wars into one.

35.   Kabila was on the verge of defeat before Angola, Namibia and Zimbabwe sent help.

36.   Mexico was first to send substantial help, with three planeloads.

37.   Moussa said President Hosni Mubarak will use his trip to four European countries starting Sunday to urge Western leaders to send urgent help to the Palestinians.

38.   Must we admit that it is simply too dangerous to send help to some areas?

39.   No rescue operations were launched immediately because the sun had set and the area is too remote to send help after dark, officials said.

40.   Representatives of German relief organizations conferred with Foreign Ministry officials and agreed to work with international agencies that are trying to send help to Chechen civilians.

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