31.   One reason the American companies have sold technology to China is to save money.

32.   Pelosi said China continues to sell technology for weapons of mass destruction to other nations as well as repress human rights in China and Tibet.

33.   Right now, U.S. companies may sell only non-nuclear equipment to Chinese utilities because of fear that China would sell the technology to another country.

34.   RMS had been selling its technology to clients, but Hutton decided it could make more money by licensing.

35.   Secretary of State Warren Christopher is supposed to give the president his recommendations on whether to impose sanctions on China for selling nuclear technology to Pakistan any day now.

36.   Shell executives feared that Halliburton would not work hard to sell a technology that might compete with some of its existing products.

37.   Sony continues to explore ways to sell the technology.

38.   South Africa also sells technology to the Far East, and small arms to South America.

39.   Technology companies argue there is no market to sell encryption technology if the U.S. government can eventually decode it.

40.   That is why China sells nuclear technology to the likes of Iran.

v. + technology >>共 630
use 22.80%
develop 8.01%
have 2.73%
license 2.66%
sell 2.43%
provide 1.89%
adopt 1.64%
transfer 1.61%
share 1.38%
embrace 1.22%
sell + n. >>共 820
share 5.90%
stock 4.24%
product 3.84%
bond 2.67%
ticket 2.19%
dollar 2.01%
stake 1.74%
asset 1.72%
car 1.42%
drug 1.39%
technology 0.41%
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