31.   Silly me, forgetting to ask if I could also see the art.

32.   So many people showed up on weekends, it was nearly impossible to see the art, much less sell it.

33.   Still, collections and permanent displays are prohibitively expensive and require huge spaces, and most such art is seen principally at technology fairs and congresses.

34.   Symbolist art is usually seen as a kinky sideshow to Post- Impressionism.

35.   There are plenty of unlikely places to see art in the physical world, but for sheer range and pure oddity, terra firma has nothing on cyberspace.

36.   They see American art shriveling up unless taxpayers are forced to subsidize arts organizations anointed by the government.

37.   This is what comes from seeing their art together.

38.   They spent nothing, saw no art and added to wear-and-tear.

39.   This deflates the assumption that young artists at the turn of the century necessarily saw French art as predominant, as we do now.

40.   To those who see art only as surface, the history of art is a history of changing styles.

v. + art >>共 549
master 5.43%
study 5.23%
make 4.67%
perfect 3.19%
learn 2.91%
collect 2.27%
teach 2.23%
imitate 2.15%
create 2.04%
see 1.84%
see + n. >>共 1403
sign 1.33%
reason 1.25%
man 1.18%
thing 1.14%
people 1.07%
doctor 0.95%
action 0.93%
need 0.92%
opportunity 0.89%
lot 0.87%
art 0.09%
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