31.   --Children who are frightened by fighting in school need reassurances about what the school is doing to help.

32.   Deans scramble for the most sought-after students, finding themselves frenetically defending or attacking the survey, depending on how the school did that year.

33.   Every big school has done that.

34.   Few parents seem to think that a school is doing its job unless computers are widely available.

35.   For Chattanooga to benefit, the school must do more networking, especially with Oak Ridge Laboratories, a huge government research facility in East Tennessee, he said.

36.   Gasten said schools are doing a better job of trying to deal with autistic children, but they have a long way to go.

37.   Government-run schools were doing such a poor job because they faced no penalty for incompetence.

38.   Have the schools done their jobs with our children?

39.   Harrick says the school did it to get back at him for leaving.

40.   He argued that because many schools do business across state lines, state of local interference with them could impinge on powers reserved for the federal government.

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school 0.34%
school + v. >>共 1050
be 18.31%
have 8.45%
offer 1.83%
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