31.   Purists have criticized the proposal, but Morial says moving the home to the park is the most practical solution.

32.   Rajoub said moving the equipment was crucial to maintaining the peace.

33.   She said moving from the hard surfaces of the Lipton Championships to the slow clay of Sea Pines caused some serious lapses against Plischke.

34.   Some Conservative Party lawmakers say moving the protesters now would be condoning blackmail.

35.   Speaking in Karachi on Wednesday, Pakistan Cricket Board director Brig. Munawar Rana said moving the tour to Australia was an option.

36.   The parent company of Orion Bus Industries is exploring a merger, and a financial news service report says moving operations out of New York state is a possibility.

37.   They said moving to Pyongyang is a big dream for country people, who often bribe corrupt communist party officials to allow it.

38.   They said moving the date of the festival because of the perceived content of the yet-to-be-completed film amounted to censorship.

39.   They said moving too fast to clean the spill could make it worse.

40.   He said moving before service is an advantage to the receiver if he moves at the right instant.

v. + move >>共 213
use 9.68%
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get 3.98%
forecast 2.85%
will 2.47%
work 2.28%
come 1.52%
do 1.52%
have 1.52%
say + v. >>共 875
be 17.85%
have 2.67%
fight 2.22%
quote 1.92%
make 1.90%
allow 1.52%
unite 1.45%
find 1.42%
add 1.35%
follow 1.17%
move 1.05%
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