31.   Germany and Italy plan to work together to combat corruption and right-wing extremism, the justice ministers of both countries said following a meeting Wednesday.

32.   Guei will be replaced in his army post by his deputy, Captain Lassana Timithe, government secretary general Adolphe Kadjo Djidji said following a cabinet meeting.

33.   He said following the valuation of IBP, refiners such as Hindustan Petroleum Corp and Bharat Petroleum Corp will also get impressive ratings.

34.   After initial reports of up to four gunmen being involved, police finally said following a search that there had been no more than two.

35.   Another serial killer, possibly the third, could be operating in the Johannesburg and Pretoria areas, police said Tuesday following the discovery of a murdered woman.

36.   Both Vaeyrynen and Seppaenen said following their election that the leadership of their respective parties had to reconsider their stand towards the EU.

37.   But Netanyahu said following talks with President Bill Clinton on Monday that he would not freeze construction on the site known to the Israelis as Har Homa.

38.   US and Arab sources said following that statement that Arafat and Cheney could meet in Egypt in the next several days.

39.   UN special envoy Raymond Chretien said following a meeting with Zairean President Mobutu Sese Seko in France Wednesday that Zaire would back the deployment of a multinational force.

40.   US Trade Representative Mickey Kantor said following the Salinas announcement Wednesday that the United States wanted to find a consensus candidate for the WTO job.

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say + v. >>共 875
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