31.   Texas has been doing performance audits for years and has saved billions of dollars.

32.   That could save billions eventually and release farmers to make their own marketing decisions free of government supervision.

33.   The accounting office agreed with the Pentagon that base closings are saving billions of dollars.

34.   The controls should help California save billions of dollars it would otherwise pay to electricity generators that state officials have accused of price-gouging.

35.   The goal of the talks is to open up domestic telecommunications markets to foreign companies, potentially saving consumers billions of dollars.

36.   The Republicans argue that such a block grant would allow states to distribute food assistance to the poor more freely, and that it would save billions.

37.   The two bills would save billions of marks, officials said.

38.   This move toward open systems saved companies billions of dollars.

39.   U.S. companies together can save billions of dollars by using corporate brands to exploit economies of scale in advertising and marketing.

40.   Trotman is convinced that Ford can save billions by eliminating duplication, at the same time as improving product development and manufacturing design.

v. + billion >>共 357
spend 13.60%
cost 5.14%
lose 5.01%
invest 2.99%
pour 2.74%
pay 2.32%
save 2.32%
have 2.06%
pump 1.77%
seek 1.77%
save + n. >>共 672
money 18.53%
life 14.97%
time 2.52%
day 1.82%
face 1.73%
job 1.59%
world 1.43%
par 1.33%
million 1.17%
thousand 1.02%
billion 0.48%
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