31.   The Arab League on Sunday called on member states to defy the air sanctions imposed on Libya by the U.N. Security Council.

32.   The Iraqi president also views the United States as the chief proponent of maintaining U.N. sanctions imposed on Iraq soon after it invaded Kuwait.

33.   The inspectors must certify that Iraq has eliminated its biological, chemical and nuclear weapons and long-range missiles before punishing trade sanctions imposed seven years ago can be lifted.

34.   The oil-for-food deal is an exemption to the U.N. trade sanctions imposed after the invasion of Kuwait.

35.   The sanctions impose an arms embargo against the Taliban, but not against their northern-based opposition.

36.   The sanctions also impose an arms embargo on the Taliban, who are said to be getting their supplies from neighboring Pakistan.

37.   The sanctions also impose an oil and arms embargo on the West African nation.

38.   The United Nations has required Iraq to account for the missing before it will consider lifting sanctions imposed following the invasion of Kuwait.

39.   The United States also is the strongest foe of lifting U.N. trade sanctions imposed after the invasion of Kuwait.

40.   The U.N. Security Council renewed for another four months Monday the commercial and diplomatic sanctions imposed on the Bosnian Serbs for fomenting war.

n. + impose >>共 481
government 14.81%
authority 4.41%
state 3.48%
court 3.10%
law 3.03%
judge 2.93%
country 2.69%
army 2.62%
police 2.31%
sanction 2.13%
sanction + v. >>共 279
be 21.16%
include 5.62%
remain 4.84%
ban 3.55%
impose 2.86%
have 2.77%
bar 2.44%
hurt 2.21%
prevent 2.17%
cause 1.94%
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