31.   The sanctions never barred Iraq from buying food or medicine, but the government said it could not afford them.

32.   The Saudis began pumping more oil after the war to make up for the market share Iraq lost when U.N. sanctions barred exports of Iraqi oil.

33.   The sanctions bar exports.

34.   The sanctions bar flights to and from Iraq as well as other direct trade links.

35.   The sanctions bar flights to and from Libya and ban arms sales to the North African nation.

36.   The sanctions bar Iraq from selling oil, its economic mainstay, and ban air traffic to and from the country.

37.   The sanctions lifted Saturday barred economic and military assistance to the two countries.

38.   The sanctions bar Iraq from selling oil abroad.

39.   The sanctions bar Iraq from selling oil, its economic mainstay, and ban air travel to and from the country.

40.   The sanctions bar Iraq from selling oil, its economic mainstay, and ban all imports except for humanitarian necessities.

n. + bar >>共 344
law 17.75%
government 6.31%
constitution 3.91%
judge 3.67%
police 3.42%
authority 3.37%
rule 2.84%
sanction 2.59%
official 2.49%
bill 2.15%
sanction + v. >>共 279
be 21.16%
include 5.62%
remain 4.84%
ban 3.55%
impose 2.86%
have 2.77%
bar 2.44%
hurt 2.21%
prevent 2.17%
cause 1.94%
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