31.   I ring the doorbell.

32.   I even rang some doorbells to show her off.

33.   If you take a look at his site, you can see images of anyone who has rung his doorbell or opened his refrigerator.

34.   In those past days, there was someone, usually a young kid, who rang our doorbells at night to collect for the local newspaper.

35.   It began late Wednesday afternoon, when neighbors said they noticed one or maybe two men ringing doorbells in the area, asking if there were rooms for rent.

36.   Lately, Pascrell is also going out of his way to visit the suburbs, ringing doorbells and talking to people on the street.

37.   Kids would come by and ring the doorbell, have cookies in their hands for me.

38.   More recently, she was expecting company for dinner, but had taken a nap and fallen sound asleep, only to be awakened by guests ringing the doorbell.

39.   No one responded when a reporter rang the doorbell there.

40.   One dispiriting winter night a year ago, when spring seemed an implausible prospect, our neighbor Ken Bentsen rang the doorbell.

v. + doorbell >>共 10
ring 73.79%
answer 18.45%
ding 0.97%
hear 0.97%
include 0.97%
obey 0.97%
press 0.97%
push 0.97%
repair 0.97%
ringing 0.97%
ring + n. >>共 286
bell 22.03%
doorbell 6.89%
hollow 5.53%
city 5.53%
building 2.81%
area 2.54%
change 2.27%
capital 1.45%
alarm 1.18%
courthouse 1.18%
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