31.   A small movement, but nevertheless, a movement in the right direction.

32.   It is a step in the right direction.

33.   It insists that this is therefore the best guide to what they should do, that it points out the right direction for continuing and developing that practice.

34.   Once into the trees, they lost sight of the sun and the sky and had to rely on the compass to keep them heading in the right direction.

35.   The wind was in the right direction, and she heard it strike ten -- and then eleven.

36.   So are customers satisfied that their caring, sharing foodstore is heading in the right direction?

37.   And some employees welcome a nudge in the right direction.

38.   After asking for help from passers-by, they were eventually pointed in the right direction.

39.   A spokesman said that anything which enabled farmers to make longer term plans with some confidence was a step in the right direction.

40.   Fletcher said he had spoken several times to Ramprakash this winter in an effort to help point the highly talented player in the right direction.

a. + direction >>共 562
right 16.51%
opposite 13.82%
different 10.77%
new 9.08%
same 5.29%
the 4.68%
wrong 4.56%
general 2.12%
future 1.83%
clear 1.75%
right + n. >>共 605
knee 6.64%
thing 5.55%
shoulder 3.92%
time 3.52%
leg 3.26%
foot 3.22%
arm 3.13%
direction 2.92%
ankle 2.81%
place 2.25%
每页显示:    共 806