31.   Port Authority officials recommended that passengers who usually take the two lines from Herald Square to New Jersey ride the subway instead to the World Trade Center terminal.

32.   Riding the subway to work one day, Irene sits across from a chatty woman who regales her with a daily horoscope promising love with a soulmate.

33.   Riding the subway, I try an experiment.

34.   Riding the subway, he saw the usual advertisements for reproductive health clinics, Planned Parenthood and the like.

35.   She finds herself unable to ride the subways alone.

36.   She hated riding the subway, and was mugged once on a platform, said Bitros.

37.   She said she had long since stopped riding the subway, and she avoids the tunnels.

38.   She spends most days and nights riding the subway while the city sorts out where she should be.

39.   She sat in airports and she rode subways.

40.   Sometimes I would ride the subway and I thought, people here never communicate with each other.

v. + subway >>共 79
ride 26.26%
take 21.58%
use 5.76%
build 3.60%
catch 3.24%
board 2.52%
run 2.16%
say 1.44%
extend 1.08%
bomb 1.08%
ride + n. >>共 519
horse 10.15%
bike 9.00%
bicycle 8.50%
wave 7.68%
bus 5.50%
motorcycle 5.24%
train 2.44%
subway 2.41%
winner 1.94%
shotgun 1.81%
每页显示:    共 73