31.   Mubarak, who met Bush Saturday, was seeking a timetable for reviving peace negotiations that collapsed last year.

32.   Nigerian gunships on Monday bombarded the capital, Freetown, and Ghanaian diplomats were reportedly headed for Sierra Leone on Wednesday to revive stalled negotiations with Koroma.

33.   Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat on Tuesday discussed with Crown Prince Abdullah the stalled Middle East peace process and U.S. efforts to revive negotiations, a Palestinian official said.

34.   Powell and other U.S. officials have insisted it would be pointless to revive negotiations amid widespread violence.

35.   President Clinton met with Assad in Geneva last month in an unsuccessful effort to revive the negotiations.

36.   Spain called Friday for the disbanding of militant groups as a first step toward ending Palestinian-Israeli violence and reviving negotiations.

37.   Talks are underway to revive the negotiations.

38.   The Australian government plans to revive negotiations on a single trans-Tasman aviation market soon.

39.   The discussions come amid a diplomatic flurry aimed at reviving peace negotiations.

40.   The massacre, however, could pressure Zedillo into bending on that point and revive negotiations.

v. + negotiation >>共 547
resume 10.28%
begin 8.41%
continue 4.23%
start 3.86%
hold 3.72%
open 3.26%
conduct 2.43%
restart 2.43%
complete 2.24%
suspend 2.07%
revive 0.87%
revive + n. >>共 599
economy 11.68%
talk 5.43%
interest 2.66%
negotiation 2.21%
concern 2.14%
career 2.11%
fear 1.97%
memory 1.62%
plan 1.49%
effort 1.31%
每页显示:    共 64