31.   John Fagan, a sophomore who is an antiwar leader, says the US government should respect the rights of all people, even its enemies.

32.   Killing animals for fun, fur or food enrages millions of people, and I respect their right to protest.

33.   Los Angeles police and convention officials insist they will maintain decorum while respecting the rights of the demonstrators.

34.   Norwood and his coalition counter that only a credible threat of lawsuits will ensure that HMOs respect patient rights.

35.   Now the more pressing question is whether the Islamic government will respect the rights of secular Turks and maintain its alliance with the United States.

36.   Recently, the Croatian government released a letter that reiterated the previous promises to respect the rights of Serbs.

37.   Rains said that while he respects property rights, he is looking to the long-term needs of the area.

38.   Stern said he spoke to both Ewing and Michael Jordan to tell them he respected their right to take a stand.

39.   The buyout also is facing scrutiny from a new set of water managers, whom Gov. Jeb Bush appointed in March with marching orders to respect property rights.

40.   The controversy could have been avoided, Durkee stated in a letter to school officials last month, if her teacher had respected her right to sit quietly.

v. + right >>共 447
have 32.77%
reserve 3.29%
protect 2.51%
violate 2.22%
support 2.05%
win 1.88%
retain 1.82%
exercise 1.68%
waive 1.51%
defend 1.38%
respect 0.81%
respect + n. >>共 589
right 6.24%
decision 3.69%
law 2.94%
agreement 2.64%
rule 2.50%
privacy 2.33%
freedom 1.98%
result 1.98%
wish 1.93%
commitment 1.67%
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