31.   Apparently, a resolution came much sooner.

32.   Delegates from both bodies said they did not know when the resolutions would come up.

33.   He hoped a resolution would come soon so as not to further damage relations between the two countries.

34.   Malone thinks a resolution could come by Saturday.

35.   The resolution came hours after specialists threatened to begin a solidarity strike with the general-practice doctors who belong to the union.

36.   The resolution came after Russian authorities agreed to let Israeli security guards resume carrying their own weapons.

37.   The resolution came after negotiations with inmates by police and prison authorities.

38.   The resolution came after Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat made an emotional appeal Sunday for help from the Arab world in confronting Israel.

39.   The resolution came amid heightened tensions on the island following the visits this month to Cyprus by Turkish and Greek warplanes in a show of force.

40.   The resolution came as no surprise to the families, he said.

n. + come >>共 1444
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resolution 0.05%
resolution + v. >>共 352
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