31.   Even though the experiment did not work in all the participants, the researchers hope they have opened a new front in the effort to vanquish HIV.

32.   Eventually, researchers hope they will find the gene that turns those cancers on and off.

33.   Eventually, researchers hope to use the cells to grow tissue for human transplants or to introduce new or improved genes into people.

34.   Freeman said the radar technology will next be used in Central America, where researchers hope to find previously undiscovered Mayan cities.

35.   Given the size of the telescope and improvements in detection technology, the researchers hope to make the most precise measurements yet.

36.   However, researchers hope the mutations could explain thousands of US breast cancer cases that develop each year.

37.   In this way, the researchers hope to determine where the geese stop during their migration and for how long.

38.   Now researchers are hoping that the secret to saving these sea mammals may be not only to look, but to listen.

39.   Now, with advances in drugs to fight powerful viruses like HIV, researchers hope to find a cure for the flu.

40.   OSU researchers are hoping to recruit six more.

n. + hope >>共 613
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researcher + v. >>共 450
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