31.   Then the researchers compared the Caesarean rates in the two groups.

32.   This produced a base line of natural variability, against which the researchers compared trends in UV expected from ozone depletion.

33.   This would allow the researchers to compare the donated genes to detect the minute changes that make one human being different from another.

34.   This let the researchers compare brain activity from the two ears.

35.   Using gene chips, researchers can compare samples of healthy cells against samples of sick cells to discern which genes are off key.

36.   When researchers compared forested and deforested lowland areas, looking at the actual accumulation of clouds and at computer simulations, that was just what they saw.

37.   When the fish returned two years later to spawn, researchers compared the mortality and deformity ratios of the two groups.

38.   He said that when researchers compared the characteristics of these insects with known orders, they did not fit with any other group.

39.   In his journal article, he contended that researchers can ethically compare shorter doses of AZT to the full treatment but should not withhold the drug entirely.

40.   In the new study, the researchers compared the changes in first flowering date with temperature trends in the same area over four decades.

n. + compare >>共 630
researcher 4.18%
study 3.90%
people 2.13%
official 1.63%
critic 1.13%
consumer 1.13%
rate 1.13%
student 1.13%
investor 0.99%
doctor 0.99%
researcher + v. >>共 450
say 19.69%
find 8.84%
be 4.75%
believe 2.70%
use 2.12%
have 2.00%
report 1.80%
hope 1.76%
look 1.60%
suggest 1.40%
compare 0.54%
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