31.   Proponents of the tighter sanctions believe they will add to the pressure on Castro to move toward democracy or relinquish power to a non-communist.

32.   Secretary of State Warren Christopher seemed to leave open the possibility that the three leaders could lead normal lives in Haiti if they relinquished power voluntarily.

33.   Slobodan Milosevic is not relinquishing power easily.

34.   Still he refused to relinquish power, requesting a grace period of several days to plan what he termed an orderly transition and to procure a pardon against prosecution.

35.   Term limit supporters concede it is exceedingly difficult to get lawmakers to relinquish power once they attain it.

36.   The deal for amnesty was central to the decision by former President de Klerk, in negotiations with the ANC, to begin relinquishing power to Mandela.

37.   The IRS, an agency five times the size of the FBI, is not about to relinquish power because of some congressional proceeding.

38.   The official story is that Clinton asked Carter to visit Haiti last weekend to help persuade Haitian dictator Raoul Cedras to relinquish power and thus avert a U.S. invasion.

39.   The military regime relinquished power, and US fighters instead arrived as peacekeepers.

40.   The proposal is being moved forward without full support of business leaders, who want unions to relinquish broad powers over contract negotiations and the management of health care.

v. + power >>共 573
have 20.01%
take 4.91%
use 3.56%
seize 3.15%
lose 2.86%
share 2.65%
give 2.29%
restore 2.17%
wield 2.06%
hold 1.74%
relinquish 0.78%
relinquish + n. >>共 227
control 17.56%
power 12.39%
right 3.74%
post 3.48%
title 3.30%
lead 3.21%
claim 3.21%
position 2.67%
sovereignty 2.67%
territory 2.32%
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