31.   By backing up against the device, which fits into his prosthetic shoulder caps, he can duck out of them, or get into them with relative ease.

32.   By the same token, presidents past who ran in New Hampshire without a major opponent from their own party won reelection with relative ease.

33.   CART has not released its plans for an engine formula for next season, meaning any plans could be changed with relative ease.

34.   Cerutti, a Blue Jay when Garcia conducted his private bonfire, recalls Williams skating through that one with relative ease.

35.   Compaq already has a major presence in this market, and by focusing its handheld effort here, the company has boosted its market share with relative ease.

36.   Corporate investors and sponsors seem to fall in line with relative ease.

37.   Despite its relative ease of preparation, this becomes a serious dish, the kind that demands plenty of bread so that you can linger over the juices.

38.   Edward Weir of Newtown, Pa., is a computer programmer who could navigate the reservation systems with relative ease.

39.   Getting by on more than just good looks, Gubicza has been able to convey his thoughts with relative ease.

40.   Graphics, a big draw for Web watchers, can be placed on a page with relative ease, providing a few steps are taken.

a. + ease >>共 182
relative 24.73%
apparent 5.45%
greater 5.45%
equal 4.36%
surprising 4.00%
remarkable 3.27%
same 2.00%
consummate 1.82%
great 1.45%
comparative 1.27%
relative + n. >>共 688
calm 7.07%
ease 3.64%
safety 3.45%
newcomer 3.37%
obscurity 3.35%
peace 3.03%
strength 2.28%
term 2.20%
unknown 2.14%
stability 2.03%
每页显示:    共 135