31.   The Supreme Court earlier this year ruled that Congress did not give the FDA authority to regulate cigarettes.

32.   He may also have drawn political mileage from a controversial measure announced Friday, allowing the Food and Drug Administration to regulate cigarettes as an addictive drug.

33.   CNN reported earlier that Clinton would announce Friday he had accepted a controversial plan to regulate cigarettes by declaring nicoting a drug.

34.   Clinton may have drawn political mileage from a controversial measure announced Friday, allowing the Food and Drug Administration to regulate cigarettes as an addictive drug.

35.   The US Food and Drug Administration has sent the White House its final version of an unprecedented proposal to regulate cigarettes as drugs, officials said this week.

36.   The White House announces President Bill Clinton will accept a final plan to regulate cigarettes, all in an effort to curb teen tobacco use.

37.   Tobacco is a hot issue in the United States with President Bill Clinton proposing to have the Food and Drug Administation regulate cigarettes as drug-delivery devices.

38.   President Bill Clinton will announce on Friday that he has accepted a controversial plan to regulate cigarettes by declaring nicotine a drug, CNN reported Wednesday.

39.   The FDA proposal would give the agency the authority to regulate cigarettes, because it would class nicotine as a drug.

40.   The FDA proposal would give the agency the authority to regulate cigarettes, because it would for the first time class nicotine as a drug.

v. + cigarette >>共 254
smoke 20.36%
light 11.21%
sell 7.76%
buy 4.91%
have 3.45%
regulate 2.42%
make 2.24%
ban 2.00%
smuggle 1.88%
produce 1.39%
regulate + n. >>共 776
tobacco 4.54%
industry 3.28%
nicotine 2.42%
price 2.22%
flow 2.08%
use 2.01%
activity 1.98%
product 1.67%
cigarette 1.37%
trade 1.37%
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