31.   The European Union on Saturday expressed its full solidarity with Italy regarding the case of Kurdish leader Abdullah Oecalan, who was arrested and then released by Italian authorities.

32.   The handling of Li Shaomin reflected how seriously the court regarded the case.

33.   The judges were not expected to make any decisions regarding the case, which was expected to continue on Tuesday.

34.   The judges were not expected to make any decisions regarding the case, which was expected to continue in this war-ruined capital Tuesday.

35.   Rabbani, who is the second-most powerful Taliban leader in Afghanistan, clearly expressed a softline regarding the case.

36.   The case is being regarded as attempted murder.

37.   The Bonn government said it regarded the case as closed.

v. + case >>共 478
hear 5.28%
take 4.77%
make 4.50%
investigate 3.49%
handle 3.13%
discuss 2.95%
settle 2.31%
dismiss 2.30%
review 2.17%
report 2.11%
regard 0.15%
regard + n. >>共 1753
island 1.18%
issue 1.18%
use 1.10%
future 1.05%
case 0.79%
matter 0.79%
incident 0.75%
woman 0.56%
law 0.47%
change 0.47%
每页显示:    共 37