31.   Hold them only by the tail area, and move the fish slowly forward and back until they have regained strength.

32.   Housing is often the first sector of the economy to regain strength.

33.   Howard spent the next three days in misery but gradually regained his strength and appetite, a typical course the strain sets off in milder cases.

34.   Initial reports indicated his health had improved and he was hoping to regain enough strength to return to the National Institute of Health in Bethesda for more treatment.

35.   It is rare for a dissipating tropical storm or hurricane to spend so much time over land only to regain strength after again encountering water.

36.   It took most of the day for Bryant to regain his strength.

37.   It will be nearly August before he can expect to regain the strength he once had.

38.   It would take months for Guthrie to regain the strength in his shoulder.

39.   Jason Bere is just now regaining full strength in the surgically repaired elbow that took nearly three years of intensive care and recuperation.

40.   Like other Asian economies, Hong Kong has shrugged off the calamities of two years ago and is regaining its strength far faster than analysts had predicted.

v. + strength >>共 408
gain 11.15%
have 8.82%
show 7.69%
regain 4.40%
draw 3.62%
gather 2.87%
find 2.75%
give 2.45%
lose 2.33%
sap 1.58%
regain + n. >>共 439
control 14.91%
consciousness 7.80%
lead 4.68%
confidence 4.42%
form 3.52%
composure 3.12%
ground 3.10%
strength 3.08%
power 2.87%
momentum 2.35%
每页显示:    共 146