31.   Despite the best efforts of the league office, this well-intentioned reform movement is doomed.

32.   During and after World War I, for instance, the tenements boarded up in the heyday of the reform movement were reopened to ease a severe housing shortage.

33.   Exhilarated and impressed and absolutely overwhelmed by those of you who have devoted your time to the reform movement.

34.   Fleming, one of the two fathers of the charter reform movement, admits some disappointment.

35.   Fleming, who helped found the elected charter reform commission movement with Mayor Richard Riordan, has said repeatedly that he prefers charter reform to secession.

36.   Following the historical pattern of American reform movements, whoever wins the moral argument will win the political one.

37.   Giuliani has an enormous stake in the outcome of the school reform movement, on which he has staked his hopes for increased control over the school system.

38.   Hamidreza Jalaei-Pour, a leading publisher allied with the reform movement, has had six newspapers shut down by the government, but he remains optimistic.

39.   He argues that the state needs to concentrate on accountability rather than launching off into another big reform movement.

40.   He added that such rhetoric against Iran would only make hardliners bolder in their opposition against the United States and the reform movement in Iran.

n. + movement >>共 841
troop 8.32%
rebel 7.69%
independence 4.41%
labor 4.22%
opposition 3.88%
guerrilla 3.63%
reform 2.80%
youth 2.07%
price 2.01%
resistance 1.98%
reform + n. >>共 372
bill 11.92%
plan 9.18%
package 7.86%
program 7.67%
effort 5.86%
proposal 4.78%
legislation 4.71%
measure 4.54%
movement 4.28%
process 3.17%
每页显示:    共 177