31.   The site also includes a forum where residents can recount their experiences.

32.   Today, as she recounts her experiences with the East German national swimming program, Fehrecke Gottschalt says she wishes she had sat still that day in school.

33.   When she recounted her experience again for me, she still had to breath deeply to control her emotions.

34.   While initially reluctant to talk, the boys eventually recounted their experiences after receiving assurances that their identities would not be disclosed.

35.   Woods recounts the experience of Madeleine Kunin, U.S. deputy education secretary, who got her political start in a manner similar to Woods.

36.   Zhang has traveled extensively in recent months, recounting her experiences while in prison in China last year.

37.   At a recent council meeting, several blacks and Hispanics recounted their experiences.

38.   His eyes open wide when Luiz recounts one particular personal experience.

39.   In a letter to city officials, Petrasich recounted his experience as a tourist during a weekend trip to the city in October.

40.   More eye witnesses are due to recount their experiences starting Tuesday.

v. + experience >>共 552
have 39.73%
share 5.17%
gain 4.32%
lack 2.88%
enjoy 1.91%
get 1.89%
use 1.78%
describe 1.72%
bring 1.14%
provide 1.12%
recount 0.89%
recount + n. >>共 254
story 12.65%
ballot 5.99%
vote 5.33%
experience 4.66%
incident 3.44%
conversation 2.77%
tales 2.77%
event 2.11%
history 2.00%
tale 1.89%
每页显示:    共 42