31.   Still, he said the FARC will try to keep its captives alive to use them as a shield against attacks and as barter for hundreds of rebel prisoners.

32.   The army insisted in a statement that the release was unconditional, indicating it would not free rebel prisoners in return as the Kosovo Liberation Army had demanded.

33.   The army insisted in a statement that the release was unconditional, indicating it would not free rebel prisoners in return as the Kosovo Liberation Army demanded.

34.   The government censors all regular mail to and from rebel prisoners.

35.   The government is fulfilling pledges to release hundreds of rebel prisoners, withdraw from offensive positions and start demobilizing crack police troops.

36.   The government has been seen to be scrupulously fulfilling pledges to release hundreds of rebel prisoners, withdraw from offensive positions and start demobilizing crack police troops.

37.   The rebels say they are concerned about the harsh treatment given rebel prisoners in Peru.

38.   The Peruvian leader gave few other details about the agreement with rebel prisoners that ended the insurrection at the Yanamayo prison.

39.   The panel has yet to begin work because of the dispute over the rebel prisoners.

40.   The standoff between rebels and the government had seen many attempts by Peruvian and Japanese diplomats to achieve a peaceful solution without releasing rebel prisoners.

n. + prisoner >>共 121
war 17.16%
woman 12.58%
security 9.97%
rebel 8.82%
model 5.39%
remand 5.23%
al-qaida 3.43%
death-row 2.45%
loyalist 2.45%
al-qaeda 1.63%
rebel + n. >>共 482
leader 16.02%
group 11.08%
force 5.07%
attack 4.07%
fighter 3.69%
commander 3.23%
stronghold 3.21%
movement 2.55%
position 2.14%
soldier 1.82%
prisoner 0.28%
每页显示:    共 54